Urine Male STI Test

How should I collect a male STI urine sample?

  • Collect your pee (urine) sample in a completely clean (sterile) white screw top sample container and yellow urine collection kit as shown above, which you will need to collect from your GP practice.
  • It should be ideally the first urine of the ie should not have urinated for a few hours prior to specimen collection
  • Remove the cap and transfer 2 mL of urine into the urine specimen transport tube using the disposable pipette provided. The correct volume of urine has been added when the fluid level is between the black fill lines on the urine specimen transport tube label.
  • Make sure you label the container with your name, gender; date of birth and date of sample otherwise it will be discarded.
  • Screw the lid of the container shut tightly and with tissue dry the outside of the container. If there are droplets in the bag the lab will not process the sample as they will regard it as leaked and so contaminated.
  • Place the container in the plastic bag provided along with the test request form
  • Wash your hands thoroughly
  • Your sample should be handed in straight away ie on the same day or next day if done in the evening bearing in mind our pick up for samples is around 1030am.
  • Old samples may be discarded by the lab.
  • If the sample is not labelled with the date the lab may also discard the sample.