Patient Participation Group (PPG)

About the Patient Group

Since November 2012 a Patient Participation Steering Group with 10 patient members, a practice partner and the practice manager has worked to promote effective communication between the practice and its patients and to ensure that patients are involved in the development and monitoring of services at the Medical Centre.

patient participation group

To ensure the widest possible patient participation all interested patients are encouraged to register their interest in the wider on-line Patient Participation Group that acts as a reference group for the consideration of issues that need to be tackled and have been identified as priorities by the Steering Group

  • advances new ideas and proposals for the Steering Group to progress in discussion with practice partners and management

All you need to do to become involved is to let the Patient Participation Group Liasion Lead,  Karen McCormack,  know you are interested - make sure she has your contact details. You will then

  • be contacted automatically about all Open Meetings
  • be asked for your views on specific issues being considered by the Steering Group
  • be able to bring your ideas and concerns directly to the Steering Group for them to progress directly with practice partners and management

Don’t delay - Join today



Virtual Patient Participation Group (vPPG)

Do you have something to say, but don't have the time to attend meetings?

Do you have ideas how to improve your local practice?

Do you have ideas about how you would like to see services provided, changed or improved?

What is the Virtual Patient Participation Group?

This is a group which has been set up in response to patients that have said they would like to be involved in a Participation Group but are unable to attend meetings.

As a member of the Virtual Patient Participation Group, we will send you e-mails asking for your opinion on a range of topics.

You decide how often and when you would like to answer.

Benefits  of becoming a member

By doing this, you will help the practice to provide an accessible and responsive service and you will be amongst the first to hear about news and updates.